Thursday, August 9, 2012

DIY Milk Crate Seating

Have you seen the Milk Crate Seating buzz? Just google or pinterest it. Easy to find. I read several different blogs that had instructions. Almost all required cutting plywood. They had great tips that Home Depot would do it for free, however I live a hour and a half away from one. So my options are limited. This is my take on DIY Milk Crate Seating.
I wanted to find a cheap way to do this with the resources I had.

2 milk crates- I bought these at walmart before this year, not sure when.
Styrofoam block- The school in the town I live in, where I taught last year, is remodeling due to a tornado that hit our town. They had to replace these so they put them free for the taking.
2 pillow cases- I used some from an old set that I have that we no longer use. Added bonus, they match my room.

Grand total out of pocket: .....Wait for it...... $0......That's right, I spent nothing on this project.

I cut the styrofoam block to fit the inside of the milk crate, If it is a little too small for the opening in spots it should be ok once you wrap the pillow case around it.
Find a pillow case and wrap the block in it, tuck the extras under.
Place the block on the milk crate- TA DA

Now a few things...
I will be keeping the styrofoam block extras I had and picking up another block. These pieces will need to be replaced during the year.
Also I will be cutting a piece of cardboard to fit in the bottom of the crate. That way any stray pieces that fall off will hopefully be caught here and not on my floor.
There is the finished project! Quick and easy! Took less than 30 minutes to figure out a plan and make them and you already have the plan!

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