Thursday, July 11, 2013

Classroom Management

I am linking up with Seusstastic Classroom Inspirations for this post!

With the upcoming year approaching I am beginning to prepare for this year. It is time to reflect on my classroom management and begin to make changes for next year.

1. Last year I had a basic clip up and down chart. We started off using jewels if a student ended on outstanding that did not work at all. The jewels kept falling off. I also gave Outstanding tickets daily to students who finished the day on Outstanding. This took a lot of time and I will not be doing this next year. 

This year I will use the same basic chart from last year. We will track and document where we finish each day on these handy calendars. They are free so please download them and let me know what you think.
Students who end on outstanding will receive a sticker to place on their clothespin. For every 5 stickers they will get a new clothespin. I plan on using Washi Tape on the clothespins to make them fun and different for each level. 
This idea came from Stephanie at 3rd Grade Thoughts. This is the blog post that explains how she is using her clip chart. 

2. Late last year I discovered Class Dojo. This free tool is amazing! I do the majority of my classroom management using this tool. I have my class set up along with my class rules. During a lesson I can award points for positive and take points away for negative behavior. I do this all without having students leaving their seats to clip up and down. At the end of the lesson I decide who will clip up or down. It is different every time, 1 positive point does not always guarantee a clip up and 1 negative point does not always guarantee a clip down. Now onto the data part! It keeps track of data for every student. At the end of the week, I print off the data sheets and staple them to Friday Letters. Parents can see what behaviors students need to work on! How awesome is that!

So that is my plan for next year!


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